(196) Lyssandros Katsifarakis,
Aikaterini Basdeki,
Konstantinos Angelou, Ioannis Avgoloupis, Michael Kanetidis,
Michael Maragakis, Panos Argyrakis,
Konstantinos L. Katsifarakis, Groundwater Resource Management
for Non-potable Water Purposes, Basement Protection, And Heating - Pilot
Application, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Design
ICED2021, Virtual, 23-24 October 2021
(195) Alan
McLean, Michael Kanetidis, Tarun
Gogineni, Rahil Ukani,
Ryan McLean, Alexander Cooke, Inbal Avinor, Bing Liu, Panos Argyrakis, Wei Qian, Raoul Kopelman, Gold Nanosnakes: Linear Chain Synthesis of a Spectrally
Tunable, Highly Scattering, NanoBioPhotonic
Platform, PittCon Conference, New Orleans, USA,
October 2020
(194) K.
Angelou, M. Maragakis, K. Kosmidis, and P. Argyrakis, The evolution of multilinks
in a research innovation multiplex network, Netsci
2020, Rome, Italy, September 17-25
(193) K.
Angelou, M. Maragakis, K. Kosmidis, and P. Argyrakis, A Patent Citation Network΄s Structure And Formation Process,
CCS 2019, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, September 30 - October 4
(192) K.
Angelou, M. Maragakis, and P. Argyrakis,
Thematic and geographical analysis of a Patent Citation Network,
NetSci2018, Paris, France, June 11-15
(191) K.
Angelou, M. Maragakis, P. Argyrakis, Patent
Citation Network, 3rd International Conference on Econophysics,
Volos, Greece, September 28-30
Angelou, M. Maragakis, P. Argyrakis, Temporal
evolution of the giant component in Patent Citation Network, Conference
on Complex Systems, CCS 2017 Cancun, Mexico, September 17-22
(189) P. Argyrakis, P. Giazitzidis,
L. Skarpalezos, Y.G. Groda,
V.S. Vikhrenko, Influence of Obstacles on
Equilibrium Properties of the Lattice Fluid on a Surface, 2017 IEEE 7th
International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties
NAP-2017, Odesa, Ukraine, September 10-15
(188) K.
Angelou, M. Maragakis, P. Argyrakis, K-shell
decomposition method applied in patent citation network, International
Conference on Statistical Physics, SigmaPhi2017 Corfu, Greece, July 10-14
M. Tsouchnika, A. Bellwald,
C. Rozenblat, P. Argyrakis
and M. Maragakis, Comparison of single and partial-multiplex patent
networks, International conference on Big data in Economics, Science, and
Technology, Ohrid,
FYROM, July 20-22
M. Maragakis, N. Bastas, F. Lazaridis and P. Argyrakis, Multiplex networks with varying interlayer
link strength, International School and Conference on Network Science NetSci, Zaragoza, Spain, June 1-5
M.Maragakis, N.Bastas,
K.Kosmidis and P. Argyrakis,
Abrupt percolation transitions on multiplex networks, International
School and Conference on Network Science NetSci,
Zaragoza, Spain, June 1-5
P. Argyrakis, L. Skarpalezos,
Y. G. Groda, Vyacheslav S. Vikhrenko,
Quasi-chemical approximation for interacting particles on a lattice with
blocked sites, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Modern
Applications of Nanotechnology, Minsk, Belarus, May 6-8
M. Tsouchnika and P. Argyrakis,
Collaboration networks in European sponsored projects, CompleNet 2015, New York City, USA, March 25-27
(182) Paraskevas Giazitzidis and Panos
Argyrakis, Several Variations of the Achlioptas Percolation Model, Workshop on Percolation
and the Glass Transition: Kinetically-Constrained Models, Bootstrap
Percolation, Mixed-Order Phase Transitions, and Large Deviations, Tel
Aviv, Israel, October 19-23
(181) M. Tsouchnika and P. Argyrakis,
The temporal aspect of the Framework Programme
7 collaboration networks, European Conference on Complex Systems,
ECCS'14, Lucca, Italy, September 22-26
(180) F.
Lazaridis, M. Maragakis, S. Havlin and P. Argyrakis, Reaction Diffusion processes on multiplex
networks: the influence of the coupling creation method, European
Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS14, Lucca, Italy, September 22-26
(179) P. Giazitzidis and P. Argyrakis,
Delay and speed up of the onset of the critical percolation transition
using different models of Achlioptas processes,
European Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS'14, Lucca, Italy, September
(178) N.Bastas, M.Maragakis, P.Argyrakis,
and S. Havlin, Mixing of two non-interacting
species in multiplex systems, European Conference on Complex Systems,
ECCS'14, Lucca, Italy, September 22-26
(177) P. Argyrakis and M. Tsouchnika,
Network of the FP7 collaboration projects, XXVI IUPAP Conference on
Computational Physics CCP2014, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 11-14
(176) M. Tsouchnika and P. Argyrakis,
Key player countries in FP7 collaboration network, International
Conference on Statistical Physics, Rhodes, Greece, July 07-11
(175) N. Bastas, M. Maragakis, P. Giazitzidis,
K. Kosmidis, and P.Argyrakis,
A novel finite-size scaling method for the calculation of critical
exponents of very low values found in explosive percolation,
International Conference on Statistical Physics, Rhodes, Greece, July
(174) P. Giazitzidis, P. Argyrakis, J. Bisquert, V.
S. Vikhrenko,
Simulation of charge separation in organic photovoltaic cells,
2013, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine, September 9-13
(173) P. Giazitzidis and P. Argyrakis, Going towards a 1st order percolation
transition, 3rd European PhD School on Mathematical modeling of Complex
Systems, Heraclion, Greece, July 15-26
(172) P. Argyrakis, Models of Networks
for spreading phenomena, International Meeting for Flagship project FuturICT, Frankfurt, Germany, 9 November 2011.
(171) P. Argyrakis, Spreading
of Crises using models of Physics, International Conference in Statistical
Physics 2011, SigmaPhi2011 Larnaca, Cyprus,
11-15 July 2011.
(170) P. Argyrakis, What is EconoPhysics?, International Conference on EconoPhysics, Kavala, Greece, 2-3 June 2011.
(169) P. Argyrakis, High
Performance Computing with applications to Complex Systems,
International Meeting for project CrossNet,
University of Lausanne, 28 April 2011.
N. Mpastas, K. Kosmidis,
P. Korosoglou and P. Argyrakis,
Dynamic properties of complex systems using Grid computing, EGI User
Forum, Lithuania, 11-14 April, 2011.
(167) M. Maragakis, N. Tsakiris, K. Kosmidis,
and P. Argyrakis, "Percolation in the
growing clusters model", Workshop proceedings, p.9, TWCS'2010
"Turunc Workshop on Complex
Systems" 2010, Marmaris, Turkey, August September 2010
(166) P. Giazitzidis,
N. Mpastas, K. Kosmidis
and P.Argyrakis, Explosive Percolation as a
tool of examining discontinuous phenomena in Nanotechnology, 7th
International Conference on Nanosciences
& Nanotechnologies (NN10), Ouranoupoli, Chalkidiki, 11-14 July, 2010.
(165) A. Garas
and P. Argyrakis, Scientific Collaboration in
Europe, and the Overlapping Tree Network, XXV Panhellenic Conference on
Solid State Physics and Materials Science, Thessaloniki, Greece, September
20-23, 2009.
(164) M. Maragakis, S. Carmi, P.
Argyrakis and S. Havlin,
Random Walk in Complex Systems with the Particle Diffusion Model- PDM,
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials
Science, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 20-23, 2009.
(163) L. Skarpalezos,
M. Maragakis, P. Argyrakis and M. Tringides, Simulation of Non Classical Coarsening
Mechanism in Pb/Si, XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics
and Materials Science, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 20-23, 2009.
(162) A. Kittas,
S. Carmi, S. Havlin and P. Argyrakis, Trapping in complex networks, XXV
Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science,
Thessaloniki, Greece, September 20-23, 2009.
(161) N. Tsakiris,
P. Argyrakis, I. Avramov,
Crystal growth model with stress development and relaxation, XXV
Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science,
Thessaloniki, Greece, September 20-23, 2009.
(160) C. Bocker,
R. Wurth, M. Dittmer, S. Gerlach, C. Russel, Th. Hoche, S.
Bhattacharyya, A. de Pablos-Martin, N. Hemono, F. Munoz, M.J. Pascual, A. Duran, I. Avramov, P. Argyrakis, N.
Tsakiris, U. Fotheringham, Interface
Controlled Nucleation and Crystallization for Nanoparticle Synthesis,
Part I, JNCS, Foz de Iguazu, Brazil,
September 6-13, 2009.
(159) C. Bocker, R. Wurth, M. Dittmer, S.
Gerlach, C. Russel, Th. Hoche, S. Bhattacharyya, A. de Pablos-Martin, N. Hemono,
F. Munoz, M.J. Pascual, A. Duran, I. Avramov,
P. Argyrakis, N. Tsakiris,
U. Fotheringham, Interface Controlled Nucleation and Crystallization
for Nanoparticle Synthesis, Part II, JNCS, Foz
de Iguazu, Brazil, September 6-13, 2009.
(158) C. Bocker,
R. Wurth, M. Dittmer, S. Gerlach, C. Russel, Th. Hoche, S.
Bhattacharyya, A. de Pablos-Martin, N. Hemono, F. Munoz, M.J. Pascual, A. Duran, I. Avramov, P. Argyrakis, N.
Tsakiris, U. Fotheringham, Interface
Controlled Nucleation and Crystallization for Nanoparticle Synthesis,
Part I, PACRIM 2009, Vancouver, Canada, June 3, 2009.
(157) C. Bocker, R. Wurth, M. Dittmer, S.
Gerlach, C. Russel, Th. Hoche, S. Bhattacharyya, A. de Pablos-Martin, N. Hemono,
F. Munoz, M.J. Pascual, A. Duran, I. Avramov,
P. Argyrakis, N. Tsakiris,
U. Fotheringham, Interface Controlled Nucleation and Crystallization
for Nanoparticle Synthesis, Part II, PACRIM 2009, Vancouver, Canada,
June 3, 2009.
(156) C. Bocker,
R. Wurth, M. Dittmer, S. Gerlach, C. Russel, Th. Hoche, S.
Bhattacharyya, A. de Pablos-Martin, N. Hemono, F. Munoz, M.J. Pascual, A. Duran, I. Avramov, P. Argyrakis, U.
Fotheringham, Interface Controlled Nucleation and Crystallization for
Nanoparticle Synthesis, 83. Glastechnische Tagung, Amberg, Germany,
May 18 - 20, 2009.
(155) P. Argyrakis,
Collaboration networks within the European Community for the different
scientific themes, NET-ACE Conference, London
(154) K. Kosmidis
and P. Argyrakis, Statistical mechanical approach to human
language, COST Physics of Conflict and
Competition, Durham, UK (4/2009).
(153) P. Argyrakis,
A network approach to collaboration schemes in European projects,
Minerva International Workshop on "The Science of
Complexity", Eilan, Israel, March 29-
April 1, 2009.
(152) A. Garas
and P. Argyrakis, A novel approach in the
filtering of information from complex systems: The overlapping Tree
Network, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V.(DPG) Spring Meeting, Dresden,
(151) A. Garas
and P. Argyrakis, Information filtering from
complex systems, SPANGEO Workshop, Bordeaux,
(150) P. Argyrakis,
Collaboration Networks in European Research Programs, Network Theory
& Applications to Computing and Engineering Conference, London
(149) A. Kittas,
S. Carmi, S. Havlin and P Argyrakis,
The 5th European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS08),
Trapping in complex networks, Jerusalem, Israel, (9/2008).
(148) A. Garas, P. Argyrakis, and S. Havlin,
The structural role of weak and strong links in a financial market
network, The 5th European Conference on Complex Systems, Israel,
Jerusalem (9/2008).
(147) C. Batistakis
and P.Argyrakis, Balkan Physical Union 2nd
International Physics Projects Competition for University Students
(SPCBPU-2), "Particle diffusion on 1-dimensional lattices at very
high densities", Bodrum,
(146) A.Garas and P.Argyrakis, Balkan Physical Union 2nd
International Physics Projects Competition for University Students
(SPCBPU-2), "Random Matrix Theory and financial Markets: application
to Athens Stock Exchange", "Investigating properties of
financial market networks", Bodrum,
(145) A. Kittas, S. Carmi,
S. Havlin and P Argyrakis,
Balkan Physical Union 2nd International Physics Projects Competition
for University Students (SPCBPU-2), Trapping in complex networks,
Bodrum, Turkey (8/2008).
(144) P. Argyrakis,
Structure of Research Planning in the 6FP of the European Community,
International workshop on Detection and visualization of communities in
large complex networks, Université Catholique
de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (March
13-14, 2008)
(143) P. Argyrakis,
Y. G. Groda, S. V. Dubinin, V. S. Vikhrenko.
Diffusion characteristics of particles on energetically disordered
lattices / 8th International Symposium on Systems with Fast Ionic
Transport (8th ISSFIT) / Book of abstracts. - Vilnius, Lithuania, 2007.
- P. 15. - This paper was published in Solid State Ionics, 2008. - V.
179, 1-6. - P. 143-147.
(142) P. Argyrakis, Y. G. Groda,
S. V. Dubinin, V. S. Vikhrenko.
Effect of geometrical peculiarities and interparticle interactions on
diffusion characteristics of disordered lattice fluids / XVI
International Conference on Chemical thermodynamics in Russia (RCCT
2007). X International Conference on the Problems of Solvation and
Complex Formation in Solution/ Abstracts. Vol. 1. - Suzdal,
2007. - P. 1/S-28-29.
(141) Panos Argyrakis, Vladimir Lidsky,
Roman Vasiliev, Dmitry Dirin,
Vasily Zalunin and
Alexei Vitukhnovsky, Blinking as a Tool of
Quantum Dot OLEDs Studies, Eurodisplay: 27th
International Display Research Conference, Moscow, Russia (09/2007).
(140) M. Maragakis, N. Tsakiris
and P. Argyrakis, Percolation threshold in a
system with discs of growing radii, Conference on Computational
Physics 2007 (CCP '07), Brussels, Belgium
(139) M. Maragakis, P. Argyrakis, S. Carmi and S. Havlin,
Priority of motion in systems of two kinds of non-interacting particles,
23rd International Conference on Statistical Physics of the
International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (Statphys
23), Genoa, Italy (7/2007).
(138) A. Kalampokis,
K. Kosmidis and P. Argyrakis,
Vocabulary and its evolution on
complex networks, Statphys 23, Genova, IT,
(137) Panos
Argyrakis, Vladimir Lidsky,
Roman Vasiliev, Dmitry Dirin
and Vasily Zalunin,
Blinking as a Tool of Quantum Dot OLEDs StudiesEuropean
Conference on Complex Systems 2006 (ECCS '06).
(136) A. Kalampokis,
K. Kosmidis and P. Argyrakis,
Study of language
evolution and population dynamics
of two interacting species on scale free
and random networks, European
Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS '06),
UK, (9/2006).
(135) M. Maragakis, P. Argyrakis,
S. Havlin, The role of priority in the
mobility of a system of two kinds of particles. European Conference on
Complex Systems 2006 (ECCS '06), Oxford,
(134) L. K. Gallos,
R. Cohen, P. Argyrakis, A. Bunde, and S. Havlin, Stability
and topology of scale-free networks under attack and defense strategies, Annual March Meeting of the
American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, USA (03/2005).
(133) L. K. Gallos,
R. Cohen, P. Argyrakis, A. Bunde, and S. Havlin,
Stability and topology of scale-free networks under attack and defense strategies, Dynamics Days 2005, Berlin,
Germany (07/2005).
(132) L.K.
Gallos and P. Argyrakis,
Scale-free networks: random walks and binary reactions, 2004 Conference
on Computational Physics, Genoa,
(131) M. Maragakis and P.Argyrakis, Particle Diffusion on a Surface with
Nearest Neighbor Repulsive Interactions: the Fluctuation Method, 2004 Conference on Computational
Physics, Genoa, Italy, (09/2004).
(130) L. K. Gallos
and P. Argyrakis, Simulations of Random Walks
and Diffusion Processes on Scale-free Networks, International
Conference on Complex Systems ICCS2004, Boston, Massasuchets
(129) L. K. Gallos, P. Argyrakis, A. Lobanov,
and A. Vitukhnovsky, Computational study of
energy transfer in two-dimensional J-aggregates, in Organic Molecular Solids:
Excited Electronic States and Optical Properties, 325th WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Bad Honnef, Germany, (05/2004).
(128) S. H. Park, H. Peng, P. Argyrakis, H. Taitelbaum,
and R. Kopelman Dimensional Crossover in the Growth of Depletion Zone
in a Rectangular Capillary: Experiments and Monte Carlo Simulations,
2003 Annual MRS (Materials Research
Society) Symposium, Boston, Mass (12/2003), published in Mat. Res. Soc.
Proc. yy, xx (2004).
(127) L.K. Gallos
and P. Argyrakis, Reaction-diffusion
processes in scale-free networks, SPIE International Symposium on
Fluctuations and Noise: Noise in Complex Systems and Stochastic
Dynamics, Santa Fe, NM, USA (06/2003).
(126) Μ. Μαραγκάκης και Π. Αργυράκης, Particle Diffusion on a
Surface with Nearest Neighbor Repulsive
Interactions: the Fluctuation Method, 19ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών, Θεσσαλονίκη (09/2003).
(125) P. Argyrakis,
Ya. G. Groda and V.
S. Vikhrenko Quasichemical
approximation for the two level lattice system of interacting
particles, 11th International School-Conference: Foundations and
Advances in Nonlinear Science, Belarussian State University, Minsk, Belarus (09/2003).
L. K. Gallos and P. Argyrakis,
Disease spreading in real-life networks, Randomness and Complexity,
International Workshop in Honor of the 60th
Birthday of Shlomo Havlin,
Eilat, Israel, (01/2003).
(123) Π. Αργυράκης, Δίκτυα, 18ο
Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Ηράκλειο (09/2002).
L. K. Gallos and P. Argyrakis, Disease spreading
in real-life networks, Conference on Computational Physics 2002, San
Diego, California, (08/2002), published in Bulletin of the American
Physical Society, Vol. 47, No.5, p. 41, (08/2002).
E. Arapaki, P. Argyrakis
and A. Bunde, Fractal dimension of the
territory covered by N diffusing particles, Conference on Computational Physics 2002, San
Diego, California, (08/2002), published in Bulletin of the American
Physical Society, Vol. 47, No.5, p. 30, (08/2002).
(120) P. Argyrakis,
S. A. Arnautov, A. G. Vitukhnovsky,
V. M. Kobryansky, L. S. Lepnev,
A. N. Lobanov, and A. V. Pimenov,
Luminescence of hyper-branched triphenylbenzene-based
polyarylenes, Gordon Research Conference on Electronic
Processes in Organic Materials, Newport (07/2002).
(119) P. Argyrakis,
Diffusion in Cayley tree structures, Conference on Computational
Physics CCP 2001, Aachen, (09/2001), in Publication Series of the John
von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) NIC Series, F. Hossfeld and K. Binder (eds.), Vol. 8, p. A3 (2001).
(118) P. Argyrakis,
New algorithm for dynamics in dendrimer systems, 4th
International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Iraklion
(117) P. Argyrakis,
Diffusion on dendrimer structures, 85th Statistical
Mechanics Conference, Piscataway
(116) D. Katsoulis,
P. Argyrakis, A. Pimenov,
and A. Vitukhnovsky, Cayley tree random walk
dynamics, 2000 Annual MRS (Materials Research Society) Symposium,
Boston, Mass (12/2000), published in Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. 651, T7.8.1 (2001).

(115) E. Arapaki,
P. Argyrakis, and M. Tringides,
Calculation of the diffusion coefficients of equilibrium systems with
attractive interactions, in Collective Surface Diffusion Coefficients
Under Nonequilibrium Conditions, NATO Advanced Research Workshop,
Prague (10/2000).
(114) D. Katsoulis,
P. Argyrakis, A. Pimenov,
and A. Vitukhnovsy, Diffusion and trapping in dendrimer
structures, Gordon Research Conference on Electronic Processes in
Organic Materials, Newport (07/2000).
(113) Δ. Ψύλλος, Π. Αργυράκης, Ι. Βλαχάβας,
Ε. Χατζηκρανιώτης, Γ. Μπισδικιάν,
Ι. Ρεφανίδης, Ι. Λεύκος,
Κ. Κορομπίλης, Δ. Βράκας, Λ.Κ. Γάλλος, Ε.
Πετρίδου, Ι. Νικολαϊδης, Σύνθετο Εικονικό
Περιβάλλον (ΣΕΠ) για τη διδασκαλία της θερμότητας-θερμοδυναμικής, 2o Πανελλήνιο
Συνέδριο με διεθνή συμμετοχή: Τεχνολογίες της Πληροφορίας και της
Επικοινωνίας στην Εκπαίδευση, Πάτρα (2000), (πρακτικά υπό δημοσίευση).
(112) Ι. Λεύκος, Ι. Ρεφανίδης, Λ.Κ. Γάλλος, Γ. Μπισδικιάν,
Ε. Πετρίδου, Ε. Χατζηκρανιώτης, Ι. Βλαχάβας, Π. Αργυράκης, Δ. Ψύλλος. Εικονικό
Εργαστήριο Θερμότητας (πρακτικά σε CD-ROM), e-Proceedings
Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Πληροφορικής και Εκπαίδευσης, Θεσσαλονίκη (2000):
(111) L.K.Gallos,
D. Markovitsi, S. Marguet,
Ph.Millie, H. Sigal,
P. Argyrakis, H. Ringsdorf,
S. Kumar, Electronic coupling responsible for energy transfer in
columnar liquid crystals, Photoprocesses in
Molecular Assemblies, Dourdan, France (27-30/06/1999):
(110) A. Kalambokis,
P. Argyrakis, and P. Macheras,
A heterogeneous tube model of intestinal drug absorption based on
probabilistic concepts, 14 Annual Meeting of the American Association
of Pharmaceutical Scientists, New Orleans, (11/1999).
(109) L. K. Gallos,
P. Argyrakis, and D. Markovitsi,
Photoprocesses in molecular assemblies, Dourdan,
(108) P. Argyrakis,
Some history of random walk problems with disorder, One-day Symposium
on Random Walks and Applications, Juelich,
Germany (06/1999).
(107) P. Argyrakis,
A model for a fractal neural net structure and signal
transmission, DPCMS (Conference on dynamical processes in condensed
molecular systems), Cracow,
(106) E. Arapaki, P. Argyrakis,
and M. Tringides, Non-equilibium
surface diffusion measurements in a lattice model with attractive
interactions, 1999 Annual American Physical Society Meeting, Atlanta,
Ga (03/1999).
(105) L. Gallos,
P. Argyrakis, and D. Markovitsi,
Energy transfer and electronic coupling in colummar
liquid crystals, 1999 Annual American Physical Society Meeting,
Atlanta, Ga (03/1999).
(104) P. Argyrakis,
J. Ahn, A. Lin, and R. Kopelman, Scalings of the A+B reaction kinetics due to
anisotropic confinements, 1998 Annual MRS (Materials Research Society)
Symposium, Boston, Mass (12/1998), published in Mat. Res. Soc. Proc.
(103) A. Kalambokis,
P. Argyrakis, C. Cotzavasiloglou,
and S. Baloyannis, A neural; network model, StatPhys 20: International Conference on
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Paris, France, (07/1998).
(102) E. Arapaki, P.
Argyrakis, I. Avramov,
and A. Milchev, Diffusion properties of
biased random walks, StatPhys 20:
International Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics,
Paris, France, (07/1998).
(101) L. K. Gallos,
P. Argyrakis, and K. W. Kehr,
Trapping in two dimensions, StatPhys 20:
International Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics,
Paris, France, (07/1998).
(100) E. Arapaki, P.Argyrakis, I.Avramov,
and A. Milchev, Anomalous diffusion in
disordered lattices: Effect of bias, XI Max Born Symposium on Anomalous
diffusion: From basis to applicatioins, Ladek Zdroj, Poland, Springer
Verlag, p.79(05/1998).
(99) D. Markovitsi,
S. Marguet, L.K. Gallos,
H. Sigal, P. Argyrakis,
H. Ringsdorf, S. Kumar, Electronic excitation
transport in columnar liquid crystals, Conduction and transport
mechanisms in organic materials : preparation, characterization and
applications, Heidelberg, Allemagne,
(98) P. Argyrakis,
Percolation as a model for disorder, Second Euroconference
and International Symposium on Material Instabilities in Deformation
and Fracture, Thessaloniki (09/1997).
(97) Ε.Αραπάκη και Π.Αργυράκης,
Τυχαίες διαδρομές σε άμορφα υλικά υπό την επίδραση πεδίου, ΧΙΙΙ
Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στεράς
Κατάστασης, Θεσσαλονίκη, (09/1997).
(96) Λ.Κ.Γάλλος και Π.Αργυράκης,
Μεταφορά Ενέργειας σε υγρούς κρυστάλλους, ΧΙΙΙ Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο
Φυσικής Στεράς Κατάστασης, Θεσσαλονίκη,
(95) Π.Αργυράκης, Η μέθοδος προσομοίωσης Monte-Carlo στη Φυσική της Στερεάς Κατάστασης, ΧΙΙΙ
Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στεράς
Κατάστασης, Θεσσαλονίκη, (09/1997).
(94) P. Argyrakis,
L. K. Gallos, A. V. Pimenov,
M. Van der Auweraer, O. P. Varnavsky, and A. Vitukhnovsky,
Exciton kineticsin Molecular Chains: Computer
Simulations and Experiments with Thiacarbocyanine
dye J-aggregates, DPC-97 (11th International Conference on Dynamical
Processes in Excited States of Solids), Kleinwalsertal,
Austria, (07/1997).
(93) P.Argyrakis,
Anomalous diffusion in energetically disordered lattices, DPCMS
(Conference on dynamical processes in condensed molecular systems),
Prague, Czech Republic, (05/1997).
(92) P. Argyrakis, A
Lin, and R. Kopelman, Random walk, trapping, and reactions in quasi-onedimensional lattices, 1996 Annual MRS (Materials
Research Society) Symposium, Boston, Mass (12/1996), published in Mat.
Res. Soc. Proc., xxx,yyy(1997).
(91) E. Arapaki and
P. Argyrakis, Territory covered by N
diffusing interacting particles, Conference on Reactivity in organised microstructures, Santiago de Compostela,
Spain (09/1996).
(90) L.K. Gallos and
P. Argyrakis, Reactions of diffusing
particles with traps in disordered systems, Conference on Reactivity in
organised microstructures, Santiago de
Compostela, Spain (09/1996).
(89) E. Arapaki, P. Argyrakis, and M.C. Tringides,
Anomalous diffusion in non-equilibrium systems, ASI conference on
Surface diffusion: atomistic and collective processes, Rhodes, Greece
(88) L.K. Gallos and
P. Argyrakis, Trapping effects in surface diffusion,
ASI conference on Surface diffusion: atomistic and collective
processes, Rhodes, Greece (08/1996).
(87) D. Markovitsi,
H. Sigal, L.K. Gallos,
P. Argyrakis, Excitation transfer in columnar
liquid crystals studied by Monte Carlo simulations, Intra- and
inter-molecular photoprocesses of conjugated
molecules, Riccione, Italy, (14-18/07/1996)
(86) I. M. Sokolov, A. Blumen,
G. Oshanin, and P. Argyrakis,
Exciton decay models based on reacting interacting particles, Excon-96:
Second International Conference on Excitonic Processes in Condensed
Matter, Kurort Gohrisch,
Germany, M. Schreiber, ed., Dresden University Press, p. 339(1996).
(85) P. Argyrakis, E.
Clement, P. Leroux-Hougon, Statistical
fluctuations on the Langmuir-Hinschelwood
reaction, Cecam Workshop: Pattern formation
in surface reactions, Lyon, France (06/1996).
(84) K. Lindenberg, P. Argyrakis,
and R. Kopelman, The hierarchies of nonclassical regimes for
diffusion-limited binary reactions, in Fluctuations and Order: The new
synthesis, M. Millonas, ed., Springer Volume
in Nonlinear Sciences, p. 171(1996) PDF

(83) P.Argyrakis, D.
M. Basko, N. V. Kiriakova,
A. V. Pimenov, O. P. Varnavsky,
and A. G. Vitukhnovsky, Computer simulations
of linear excited molecular systems, Eurolights
II: Light on organized molecular systems, Hengelhoef,
Belgium, p.116 (12/1995).
(82) P. Argyrakis,
M. V. Kobrjanskii, M. I. Sluch,
and A. G. Vitukhnovsky, The influence of
conjugated polymer chain length and substrates on luminescence
properties of ordered polymer films, Eurolights
II: Light on organized molecular systems, Hengelhoef,
Belgium, p. 102 (12/1995).
(81) H. Sigal,
D. Markovitsi, L.K. Gallos, P. Argyrakis, Transfert incoherent
dans des phases colonnaires étudié par des simulations de
Monte Carlo, Lumières sur les Systèmes
Moléculaires Organisés, E.N.S. Lyon., France (13-14/06/1995)
(80) L. K. Gallos,
H. Sigal, P.Argyrakis,
and D. Markovitsi, Singlet excitation
transfer in columnar phases studied by Monte-Carlo techniques, Eurolights II: Light on organized molecular
systems, Hengelhoef, Belgium, p.77
(79) P.Argyrakis,
Monte-Carlo simulation techniques, Eurolights
II: Light on organized molecular systems, Hengelhoef,
Belgium, p. 21 (12/1995).
(78) Ε.Αραπάκη και Π.Αργυράκης,
Διάχυση σωματιδίων σε πλέγματα με τυχαίο δυναμικό, ΧΙ Πανελλήνιο
Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Ξάνθη, σ. 243 (09/1995).
(77) Λ.Κ.Γάλλος, Α.Αναγνωστόπουλος,
Π.Αργυράκης, Ανισοτροπία
αγωγιμότητας σε φυλλόμορφους ημιαγωγούς, ΧΙ
Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Ξάνθη, σ. 237
(76) A.Καλαμπόκης, Π.Αργυράκης,
Μ.Παγίτσας, Μοντέλο Προσομοίωσης για τη
σημειακή διάβρωση μετάλλων,ΧΙ Πανελλήνιο
Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Ξάνθη, σ. 231 (09/1995).
(75) P. Argyrakis,
E. Clement, and G. Oshanin, Influence of
auto-organization and statistical fluctuations on mono-monomer
catalytic schemes, 2nd International Symposium of effects of surface
heterogeneity in adsorption and catalysis on solids (ISSHAC), Zakopane,
Poland, p. 241 (09/1995).
(74) D. Markovitsi,
A. Germain, P. Millié, P. Lécuyer, L.K. Gallos,
P. Argyrakis, H. Bengs,
H. Ringsdorf, "Triphenylene columnar
liquid crystals: excited states and energy transfer", XVIIth International Photochemistry Conference,
London, United Kingdom, (July 30th-August 4th 1995)
(73) H. Sigal,
D. Markovitsi, L.K. Gallos, P. Argyrakis, Transfert incoherent
dans des phases colonnaires étudié par des simulations de
Monte Carlo, Journées Simulations Numérique:
Matière Condensée et Désordre, 2-4 pl Jussieu,
Paris, France (8-9/06/1995)
(72) L. K. Gallos,
P. Argyrakis, and K. W. Kehr,
Search for multifractal properties of the distributions of the number
of sites visited by random walks in disordered lattices, StatPhys 19: International Conference on
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Xiamen, China,

(71) P.Argyrakis, Trapping
in thermally activated traps, DPCMS (Conference on dynamical processes
in condensed molecular systems), Vienna, Austria, (05/1995)
(70) M.A. Drobizhev,
M.N. Sapozhnikov, O.P. Varnasky,
A.G. Vitukhnovsky, and P. Argyrakis,
Thiacarbocyanine dye J-aggregates as an
example of restricted molecular system, Japanese Journal of Applied
Physics, Suppl. 34-1, 134,182(1995).
(69) P. Argyrakis,
R. Kopelman, and K. Lindenberg, Global reaction rates from local
cluster distributions, 1994 Annual MRS(Materials Research Society)
Symposium, Boston, Mass (12/1994), published in Mat. Res. Soc. Proc.,
(68) K. Lindenberg, R. Kopelman, and P. Argyrakis, Reaction-diffusion model for the A+A
reaction, 1994 Annual MRS (Materials Research Society) Symposium,
Boston, Mass (12/1994), published in Mat. Res. Soc. Proc.,
(67) D. Markovitsi,
A. Germain, P. Millie, P. Lecuyer, L.K. Gallos, P. Argyrakis, H. Bengs, and H. Ringsdorf,
Columnar liquid crystals as molecular energy guides: excitation transport
in triphenylene mesophases, Second European Conference on Molecular
Electronics, Kloster Banz,
Germany (4-9/09/1994):
(66) Ε. Fournou,
P. Argyrakis, B. Kargas,
and P. A. Anninos, Refractoriness in Poisson
and gaussian first order neural nets with chemical markers, 10η Συνάντηση της Εταιρίας για τις Νευροεπιστημες στην Ελλάδα, Αλεξανδρούπολη,
(65) Π.Αργυράης, Τεχνητά Νευρωνικά
Δίκτυα: Μία Επισκόπηση, 10η Συνάντηση της Εταιρίας για τις Νευροεπιστήμες στην Ελλάδα, Αλεξανδρούπολη, (11/94).
(64) C. Tojo and P. Argyrakis, Transport model for correlated motion in
continuous space, Eurolights I: Light on
organized molecular systems, Thessaloniki, (11/94).
(63) D. Markovitsi,
A. Germain, P. Millie, P. Lecuyer, L. K. Gallos, P. Argyrakis, H. Bengs, and H. Ringsdorf,
Triphenylene columnar liquid crystals: Excited states and energy
transfer, Eurolights I: Light on organized
molecular systems, Thessaloniki, (11/94).
(62) Η
δυναμική του σκελετού των φράκταλς, ΙΧ
Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Πάτρα, σ. 105
(61) P. Argyrakis
and K. W. Kehr, Multifractal properties of
random walks in disordered lattices, 4th Workshop in Materials Research
for Information Technology, Berlin, Germany, p.87 (09/1993).

(60) E. Fournou, P. Argyrakis, B. Kargas, and
P. A. Anninos, A gaussian approach to
non-isolated neural nets exhibiting multiple hysteresis effects,
International Interdisciplinary Congress on Biomagnetism and Medicine, Kefallonia, p. 31 (05/1993).
(59) E. Fournou, P. Argyrakis, B. Kargas, and
P. A. Anninos, Neural nets with chemical
markers and high interneuronal connectivity,
International Interdisciplinary Congress on Biomagnetism and Medicine, Kefallonia, p. 25 (05/1993).
(58) J. Mastorakos
and P. Argyrakis, Dynamics of the backbone of
the percolation lattice, Conference on Dynamical Processes in Condensed
Molecular Systems, Garchy, France, p. 41
(57) Π.Αργυράκης, Μοντέλλα του
εγκεφάλου, οι λειτουργίες τους και η μελέτη τους με χρήση υπολογιστών,
Συνέδριο στη Βιολογία και επιστήμες της Αγωγής, Θεσσαλονίκη
(56) E.
Φούρνου, Π.Αργυράκης, Β.Κάργας
και Φ.Α.Αννινος, Δυναμική Νευρωνικών
Δικτύων με χημικούς νευρομεταβιβαστές και
αλληλοσυνδέσεις με κανονική κατανομή, ΣΤ Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής,
Κομοτηνή, (03/1993).
(55) P. Argyrakis,
R. Kopelman, and K. Lindenberg, Low-dimensional A+B=0 reaction:
Correlated initial conditions, 1992 Annual MRS (Materials Research
Society) Symposium, Boston, Mass (12/1992), published in Mat. Res. Soc.
Proc., 290,365(1993).
(54) E. Clement, P. Leroux-Hugon,
and P. Argyrakis, Surface catalysis reaction
on a disordered lattice, 1992 Annual MRS (Materials Research Society)
Symposium, Boston, Mass (12/1992), published in Mat. Res. Soc. Proc.,
(53) P. Argyrakis
and R. Kopelman, One-dimensional A+B=0 reaction with one immobile
species, 1992 Annual MRS (Materials Research Society) Symposium,
Boston, Mass (12/1992), 290,261(1993).
(52) Π.Αργυράκης, Νευρωνικά
Δίκτυα, VIII Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Ιωάννινα,
σ. 571 (09/1992).
(51) P. Argyrakis
and S. N. Evangelou, Density of states, level
statistics and localization of fractons, StatPhys 18: International Conference on
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Berlin, p. 138

(50) Π.Αργυράκης, Δυναμική σε δομές fractal,
3ο Πανηπειρωτικό Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς
Κατάστασης, Ιωάννινα (04/1992).
(49) P. Argyrakis,
Basic aspects of energy transport in disordered systems, Conference on
Disorder Effects on Relaxation Processes, Bad-Honnef
(04/1992), published in Disorder effects on Relaxation Processes, R. Richert and A.Blumen,
eds., Springer Verlag (Berlin), p. 473(1994).
(48) Π.Αργυράκης, Από την τυχαιότητα
της στερεάς κατάστασης στα νευρωνικά δίκτυα,
VII Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Θεσσαλονίκη, σ.459
(47) K. W. Kehr and P.
Argyrakis, Trapping without traps by
correlated random walks, 3rd Workshop in Materials Research for
Information Technology, Thessaloniki, p.101 (09/1991).
(46) P. Argyrakis,
Trapping without traps in fractals, Symposium on Dynamical Processes in
Condensed Molecular Systems, Neve-Ilan,
Israel (04/1991).
(45) P. Argyrakis
and R. Kopelman, Simulations of diffusion limited A+B=0 reactions:
Finite size effects and scaling, 1990 Annual MRS (Materials Research
Society) Symposium, Boston, Mass(12/1990).
(44) P. Lianos and
P. Argyrakis, Reactions in Microemulsions:
Fractal modeling, International Conference on Large Scale Molecular
Systems, Maratea, Italy (03/1990), published in
Large Scale Molecular Systems - Quantum and Stochastic Aspects,
W. Gans, A. Blumen,
and A. Amann, eds., Kluwer Academic Publ. (Dordrecht), p. 573(1991).
(43) Π.Αργυράκης, Δυναμική μεταφοράςς
σε φράκταλς, VI Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής
στερεάς κατάστασης, Ηράκλειο, (09/1990).
(42) D. Logan and P. Argyrakis,
Neural nets for eliminating noise in experimental signals, 5th
International Symposium on Biological and Artificial Intelligence
Systems, Rome, Italy (09/1990).
(41) P. Argyrakis,
E. G. Doni, T. Sarikoudis,
A. Hairie, and G. L. Bleris,
Cubic [001] twist CSL grain boundaries study by means of random walk,
International Congress on Intergranular and Inerphase
Boundaries in Materials, Paris (09/1989), published in Coll. Phys.,

(40) P. Argyrakis,
Function evaluation with feed-forward neural networks, Matrimed 90 Conference, Alexandroupolis,
Greece (05/1990).
(39) P. Argyrakis,
Neural nets as distributed processing elements, in Dynamical Processes
in Condensed Molecular Systems, A. Blumen, J.
Klafter, and D. Haarer,
eds., World Scientific, p. 389(1990).
(38) R. Kopelman, L. W. Anacker,
P. Argyrakis, E. Clement, L. Harmon, L. Li,
J. S. Newhouse, S. J. Parus, and R. Schoonover, Self-ordering and
kinetics of excitation in low dimensions and disordered media, 1989
Annual MRS (Materials Research Society) Symposium, Boston,
(37) P. Argyrakis,
Information dimension as a measure of fractal disorder, 1989 Annual MRS
(Materials Research Society) Symposium, Boston, Mass (12/1989).
(36) P. Argyrakis,
Information dimension for energy transfer in disordered crystals,
fractal character, and critical exponents, International Conference on
Dynamical Processes in Condensed Matter Systems, Athens, Georgia
(35) R. Kopelman, L. W. Anacker,
P. Argyrakis, E. Clement, L. Harmon, L. Li,
J. S. Newhouse, S. J. Parus, and R. Schoonover, Kinetics and self-orderring of excitations in low dimensions,
International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Condensed Matter
Systems, Athens, Georgia (08/1989).
(34) G. H. Kohler, A. Blumen,
P. Argyrakis, and K. W. Kehr,
Hierarchical relaxation models, 2nd Workshop in Materials Research for
Information Technology, Julich, Germany (05/1989).
(33) P. Argyrakis,
K. W. Kehr, and A. Blumen,
Effects of correlation on diffusion in disordered systems, 2nd Workshop
in Materials Research for Information Technology, Julich, Germany
(32) L. Li, E. Clement, P. Argyrakis,
L. A. Harmon, S. J. Parus, and R. Kopelman, Self-organization of
reactants on fractal surfaces: A+A = Products, 1988 Annual MRS
(Materials Research Society) Symposium, Boston, Mass (12/1988).
(31) Π.Αργυράκης, Χημικές αντιδράσεις με μη ομογενή
συστήματα, 12ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χημείας, Θεσσαλονίκη, σ. 741

(30) Π.Αργυράκης, Χημικές Αντιδράσεις με υπολογισμούς φαινομένων
Monte-Carlo, 12ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χημείας,
Θεσσαλονίκη, σ. 138 (11/1988).
(29) P. Argyrakis
and N. K. Flevaris, Computer simulation
studies of grain growth properties, 9th Bulgarian-Greek Symposium on
the Physics of Semiconductors and the Solid State, 82,87(1991), Sofia,
Bulgaria (09/1988).
(28) Π.Αργυράκης, Μηχανισμοί φαινομένων μεταφοράς με
μεθόδους Monte-Carlo, 4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο
Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Μαεαθώνας, σ. 98
(27) G. L. Bleris
and P. Argyrakis, Information exponents for
transport in regular lattices and fractals, International Conference on
Random Fluctuations and Pattern Growth: Experiments and Models, Cargese, France (07/1988), published in Random
Fluctuations and Pattern Growth; Experiments and Models, H. E. Stanley
and N. Ostrowsky, eds. Kluwer Acad. Publ.
(Dordrecht), p. 33(1988).
(26) P. Argyrakis,
Fractal Character of chemical reactions in disordered media, Conference
on New Theoretical Concepts in Physical Chemistry, Maratea,
Italy (10/1987), published in Fractals, Quasicrystals, Chaos, Knots and
Algebraic Quantum Mechanics, A. Amann, L. S. Cederbaum,
and W. Gans, eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ. (Dordrecht), p. 53(1988).
(25) Π.Αργυράκης, Αντιδράσεις σε επιφάνειες: Νέα μοντέλλα για κατάλυση, 3ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο
Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης, Πάτρα, (09/1987).
(24) P. Argyrakis
and R. Kopelman, Recombination kinetics in low dimensions, 7th
International Conference of Luminescence, Beijing, China
(23) Π.Αργυράκης, Χημικές Αντιδράσεις σε χώρους με
περιορισμούς, 5ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο: Laser
και εφαρμογές, Ιωάννινα, σ. 34 (05/1987).
(22) P. Argyrakis
and R. Kopelman, Reaction kinetics simulations: Convection, diffusion,
and autocorrelation, 1987 Annual Meeting of the American Physical
Society, New York, N.Y.(03/1987).
(21) Π.Αργυράκης, Οι καταστάσεις fractal σε στερεά πλέγματα και η δυναμική τους, 2ο
Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς κατάστασης, Ιωάννινα, σ. 41

(20) P. Argyrakis
and R. Kopelman, Reduced reaction rates on percolation clusters, StatPhys 16: International Conference on
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Boston, Mass. (08/1986).
(19) Π.Αργυράκης, Ηλεκτρονικές διεγέρσεις: Μοντέλλα κλασματικών καταστάσεων (fractal states) σε άμορφα
υλικά, 4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο: Laser και
εφαρμογές, Πάτρα, σ. 37 (05/1986).
(18) P. Argyrakis
and R. Kopelman, Fractal aspects of heterogeneous chemical reactions,
International Conference on Advances in Chemical Reaction Dynamics,
Iraklion, Crete (09/1985), published in Advances in Chemical Reaction
Dynamics, P. M. Rentzepis and C. Capellos, eds., D. Reidel
Publ. Co. (Dordrecht), p. 339(1986). (17) P. Argyrakis, Percolation
and fractal behavior in disordered lattices, 6th Trieste International
Symposium: Fractals in Physics, Trieste, Italy (07/1985), published in
Fractals in Physics, L. Pietronero and E. Tosatti, eds., Elsevier (Amsterdam) p.
(16) P. Argyrakis,
Fractal behavior and dynamics on percolating clusters, 2nd ?nternational Conference on Structure and Dynamics
of Molecular Systems, Paris, France (05/1985), published in Structure
and Dynamics of Molecular Systems, R. Daudel,
J. P. Korb, J. P. Lemaistre,
and J. Maruani, eds., D. Reidel
Publ. Co. (Dordrecht), p. 209(1986). PDF
(15) P. Argyrakis, Correlated
random walks on fractal lattices, 11th Molecular Crystal Symposium,
Lugano, Switzerland, p.9 (09/1985).
(14) P. Argyrakis,
Fractal behavior of percolating clusters, International Conference on
Percolation '85, Cologne, W.Germany
(13) Π.Αργυράκης, Δυναμική διεγερμένων καταστάσεων σε
μοριακά συστήματα διεγερμένων υλικών, 1η Ημερίδα: Φυσική και Χημεία
διεγερμένων καταστάσεων, ΕΠΕ, Αθήνα (06/1983).
(12) P. A. Anninos
and P. Argyrakis, A computer model for
learning processes and the role of cerebral commissures, 12th Annual
Meeting of the Neuroscience Society, Minneapolis, Minnessota
(11) P. A. Anninos
and P. Argyrakis, A neural net model for the
decay of short term memory with human age, 26th Annual Meeting of the
Biophysical Society, Boston, Mass. (02/1982).

(10) P. Argyrakis,
R. Kopelman, and J. S. Newhouse, Exciton fusion simulations on
binary and ternary lattices: cluster effects, Journal of Photochemistry,
17,114(1981), 10th International Photochemistry Conference, Iraklion,
Crete (09/1981).
(9) R. Kopelman, D. C. Ahlgren,
P. Argyrakis, S. Gentry, D. Hooper, J. Hoshen, P. Klymko, and J.
S. Newhouse, Critical excitation transport and the excitation radius,
9th Molecular Crystal Symposium, Kleinwalsertal,
Austria, p.168 (10/1980).
(8) P. Argyrakis, J.
Hoshen, and R. Kopelman, High density
excitation calculations in molecular crystals, International Conference
on Fast Reactions in Energetic Systems, Preveza (08/1980), published in
Fast Reactions in Energetic Systems, C. Capellos
and R. F. Walker, eds., D. Reidel Publ. Co.
(Dordrecht), p. 685(1981).
(7) P. Argyrakis and
R. Kopelman, Exciton percolation kinetics and exciton coherency, 6th
International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer, Rodez, France (07/1979).
(6) S. Tenezaki, G. Spyrou, and P. Argyrakis,
Study of metal and alloy corrosion and fouling, 5th International
Meeting of Metal Corrosion and Antifouling Materials, Venice, Italy
(5) Π.Αργυράκης και R. Kopelman,
Mεταφορά ενέργειας σε μοριακά κρύσταλλα, 4η
Εβδομάδα Χημείας, ΚΠΕ Δημόκριτος, Αθήνα, σ. 45 (05/1979).
(4) P. Argyrakis and
R. Kopelman, Time evolution studies of exciton percolation,
International Conference on Dynamical Processes in the Excited States
of Ions and Molecules in Solids, Athens, Georgia (05/1978).
(3) P. Argyrakis and
R. Kopelman, Exciton energy transfer: Coherence parameters from ternary
mixed crystal spectroscopy, 31st Symposium on Molecular Structure and
Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, p.105 (06/1976).
(2) P. Argyrakis
and R. Kopelman, Incoherent exciton percolation: Isotopic mixed
(1)B(2u) naphthalene, 30th Symposium on Molecular Structure and
Spectroscopy, Columbus, Ohio, p.93 (06/1975).
(1) P. Argyrakis and
W. Gilseth, Partial molal volumes of
tetraalkylammonium sulfate solutions at 25 C, S. Dakota Academy
of Sciences, Rapid City, S.D. (05/1971).
